Friday, October 10, 2008

New Blog

I want to thank everyone for starting to read my new blog. I hope to make it fun and interesting as well as give some political and stock picking advice. Anyone tired of whacko reporters screaming and yelling every step along the way 'creating' panics along the way, might like my insightful analysis of politics. The same people who are telling us this is the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression were telling us in 2000, that Nasdaq 5000 and Dow 12,000, with multiples of about 200x and 40x, were just minor market adjustments. Remember 2000. When President Clinton left office, the Nasdaq was at 5k, the Dow at 12k, we were in "peactime" (Remember the press used to tell us that EVERYONE loved and respected the United States) according to the 'experts'. In the following two years, the bubble burst, we had the worst attack in the history of the USA from those 'people' who loved us, ridiculous accounting scandals, etc. Amazingly enough, people blamed Republicans for that mess. Huh? Anything that happens bad in the US will inevitably be blamed on those bad/shameful republicans.

Remember how great everyone thought things were in 2000, well I'm now seeing how 'terrible' things are now. Could they be wrong again? You can decide.

The best way to learn is to think back in your own lifetime critically and not make excuses. If I were to tell people on September 12, 2001 that the following 2,600 days would leave us without an attack, solid economic growth and low unemployment, most people would put Bush's approval rating at 70%, instead it's about 30%. I read many ridiculous blogs, some very good blogs, and some mediocre. I didn't see ONE mention of 9/11 this year. Amazing how it has become an afterthought. NYC wasn't somber at all on this anniversary. I knew people would forget.

Let me leave you with this. Would you care about the financial 'crises' if a major American city was hit by a WMD. Maybe you would blame Bush, b/c 9/11 happended bc of President Bush- oh wait we weren't in Iraq then. Hmmm, it becomes so confusing when you use a President as a scapegoat instead of being a critical thinker.

Be back tomorrow to talk our way thru this financial crises.

1 comment:

BBrown said...

Excellent points, I wish more people would raise these inconsistencies and hypocrisies!