Sunday, October 19, 2008

Obamabubble- Powell Succumbs!

How does one define a "bubble"? Well, Warren Buffett made news last week when he spoke of being greedy when others are fearful and fearful when others are greedy. Interesting?? My favorite place in the world is Churchill's War Rooms in London. If you haven't been or lived in the UK, you need to fly there just to see this museum. This museum is where Churchill lived during the bombing in the 40's. What is so amazing to me is that Churchill was considered a 'cook' by many of the people of his times. His approval ratings were often in the 30-40's. He only lasted one term before he was booted out...His daughter writes a magnificent letter to him explaining why they lost the election after the war. I will not ruin it, but you must read it. When you spend 3 hours in a museum and read every bit of material in the museum, this is what you come up with. Lady Thatcher, remember her? How about Reagan, Lincoln, TR, etc.?

Where any of these people who were 'transformational' figures called 'transformational' leaders before or during their time. Not if you actually pay attention to history. How does Colin decide who is or isn't transformational. What a joke!!! I am calling this the Obamabubble. People have lost their minds when it comes to this guy. He has no experience, wants to raise taxes, and negotiate with foreign leaders who are terrorists and people are dancing in the streets.

This is 'irrational exuberance' all over again. He is speaking of the winds of change. Man, does it smell like, well, you get the picture. Barry will go down as the worst president of all time. Here's why. Clinton would have been a fine president, but BO will be the worst. He has no choice to but to overpromise and underdeliver. The expectations are SOO high that he can only fail. If he overdelivers, what is he delivering? Government incompetence and 'give-aways'. Government problems that will only get worse. Socialized medicine will go up their with social security and medicare/medicaid as the biggest threat to US security. Thanks Barry!

1 comment:

BBrown said...

Barry is like Taylor Hicks and Mac is like Daughtry. Instead of "soul patrol" Barry is spreading "govt control", and I'm not buyin it!